Remedies Sought

Stop COVID Vaccines Now 


Interest of Justice is suing the FDA, WHO & States to stop the covid unethical experiments!

Stop Covid Vaccines Now is brought by Interest of Justice (IOJ).  IOJ is an officially recognized partner stakeholder with WHO, HHS, FDA.  We are the only international civil society organization dedicated to the defense of human rights, rule of law and strong institutions as well as to maintain the international security.  IOJ is a unique international civil society oversight body, operating our mission under the VCDR as well as right to participate and defend human rights.  We exist because the governments are often unable or unwilling to monitor their own compliance with ethical and legal duties.  Thank you for your support to Stop Covid Vaccines Now!

What do we want from the court?

Justice requires quite a few steps.

  1. We want to stop covid vaccines, which means to prevent all mRNA and viral vector, no matter the platform, for use in healthy humans outside clinical trials globally.  This will take multiple steps to make it a global case involving all States.
  2. We want the court to declare the WHO DG Tedros in violation of international law for declaring an emergency that was not in good faith.  Declare covid-19 declaration did not conform to the conditions set in the Siracusa Principles and international human rights law, making it a violation of international law. 
  3. We would like to prove the false alarm fake emergency was all for the purpose of WHO setting up a condition to allow emergency human experimentation for the benefit of their funders who have undue influence on WHO’s scientific policy making.
  4. We want declarations that the States used WHO definition of pandemic, cases, vaccine and fully vaccinated which conflicted with national legislation and is void as well as making WHO in violation of IHR 3(4) and in breach of duty to harmonize. Declare DG Tedros exceeded authority to redefine words in contrast to legislation of member states to prevent this from occurring again in the future.
  5. We want a declaration that DoD skipped the required reports needed prior to the first dose being applied. The DoD must be declared in serious breach of international obligations by “misusing OTA authority in a way that violates Congress intent for human rights protections” We contend the DoD and HHS used experimental biological agents on civillians and used peacekeeping role without a required written agreement with HHS & DoD“.  The DoD use of OTA must be limited in the future because they used OTA in a way that allows them to waive MANDATORY informed consent requirements, codified under Article 50 for experiments on civilians. 
  6. We want a declaration that HHS had no delegation of authority to export the covid non vaccines, as evidenced by the FOIA which could find no Delegation of Authority for exporting covid-19 “vaccines”.  This will help prove USA responsibility for sending developing countries doses with no delegated authority to do so.
  7.  We want our countries to hold themselves as well as WHO and UN responsible for cessation of the vaccine authorizations, including the WHO EUL and stop all global censorship of vaccine critics and victims.
  8. We want victims of the experiment to be fully compensated and apologized to, as well as long term adverse reaction investigation committees set up to monitor and assist the iatrogenic effects of the covid-19 “vaccine” experiment on humanity.
  9. We want a full moratorium on all gene based vaccines including mRNA and viral vector based [non] vaccines due to impermissible risk and ethical violations.